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Bringing Your Infrastructure Home

Wondering why you haven't yet found the silver lining in the Cloud? Wishing you had more control and oversight over your data, network and communications? It's time to bring your infrastructure home.

You have three options to get your own infrastructure (and by infrastructure we mean your technology and communications infrastructure):

  1. With money, time and skill you can build it yourself, and many do, hence Linux, FreeBSD and the like. Everybody wants freedom, but not all can get it or maintain it this way.
  2. You can buy your infrastructure from service providers and pay them to maintain it, but the sheer cost is high and power requirements significant.
  3. LAD gives you infrastructure that you can bring home — literally. LAD is a bona fide platform for networking, communications and security infrastructure. Read more about LAD's history.

When you join LAD, you join a select club of people who run their own infrastructure — likeminded people who value their time, data, money and privacy, and enjoy having control over how their things work.

What is Infrastructure?

When you place a telephone call, that call goes through a computer called a server, loaded with the right software to receive and process the call and connect to another server, which initiates a call to the recipient and the voice data of the calls passes back and forth through these servers. You could also have a structure with one server connecting to two telephone sets. Either way, these servers are infrastructure.

Technology and communications infrastructure typically refers to a server (or set of servers) that interconnects with other servers, whether it is for the processing of telephony, data, files or something else.

Infrastructure with LAD

With LAD you can bring your infrastructure home, and quite manageably, too. LAD is a downloadable appliance, a robust infrastructure platform for routing network communications (including Wi-Fi), routing and processing VoIP telephony, monitoring and security, network management, packet capture and access control.